Tuesday, December 23, 2008

President Bush's Legacy

We all know that the effectiveness of a President cannot be judged at the time he leaves office. It takes time to see how the man's policies, the appointments he made to the courts, and the bills that he signed have affected the world in which we live.

The liberals and the media have been whacking the President for 8 years now. He is stupid. He lets the VP do the governing. He does not have a clue. He is just a bad President, possibly the worst of all time. His approval ratings are the lowest ever. He has made us the laughingstock of the world. No one likes us anymore (even though they know who to go to to bail them out of trouble).

And with them repeating this refrain every day for 8 years, many people find themselves believing this line of thinking. I was eating lunch with my department today, and several people chimed in with this same line of thinking. Apparently, we have forgotten how to think critically. We hear someone else's opinion, and we just adopt it as our own without stopping to think about it and validate its premise.

Well, I came across this article today, stating that the President's legacy could turn out better than we think (or we have been told that it would). This will do mainly to his proactive stance on protecting the United States after the 9/11 attacks. The author talks about economic issues that will help him out (although I fail to see his point on that).

Anyway, let the man leave office and let some time go by before we judge him in comparison to past Presidents. I think we will see how his tax cuts for one and all were beneficial for helping us in the shadow of 9/11 come back stronger than before. We will see how his leadership of the country against despots, tyrants, and terrorists helped make the U.S. a stronger country. We will see how his appointments of 2 fine men to the Supreme Court will help shape the court for years to come.

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