Monday, January 5, 2009

Sermons about the President-elect

The Library of Congress would like to create a collection of memorabilia, service audio/video, collectibles from churches regarding the election of Obama. They can then create a collection for their records about this 'historic' election.

I have many problems with this, which I will outline below.

  1. All elections are historic. This is not the first time we have had an election. They happen every four years in this country. They are all historic.
  2. This election was all about race, and still is. The only reason that they are doing this is because President-elect Obama is not white and he is a Democrat. If this were John McCain (or Ron Paul or Ralph Nader or John Edwards) in this position, the Library of Congress would not be making a public appeal for this type of product.
  3. The ACLU is extremely inconsistent (as are Americans United for Separation of Church and State, as well as other atheist groups). If this were a white Republican, they would have their talking heads on every news channel, on every show on those channels, decrying such activity. The government should not be soliciting churches for this type of information. In fact, the churches should not be talking politics at all. At least this is what we normally here from them. Where are they now? Nothing but utter hypocrisy on their part.
  4. It is not the role of the church to preach politics. Before the November elections, my pastor preached a series of messages on how the Bible tells us to vote. They included what we should look for in a leader, what we should base our vote on, the Biblical commands to go and vote and involve ourselves in the process. He did not endorse anyone. He did not campaign. His messages were about what the Bible says, not what he says. The role of the church is to bring honor and glory to God. It is not there to bring honor, glory, and worship to man. Yet that is what many liberal churches are doing now. They are worshipping the man that will be our President, not worshipping the God that is in control of the world, that created us, that demands our worship, that forgives us and loves us.
  5. If churches are preaching politics from the pulpit, why are their IRS tax exemptions not being revoked? With a supposed separation of church and state (I say supposed because that never appears in the Constitution), should these churches not be abstaining from making political statements? We see people like the illustrious Rev. Jeremiah Wright preaching his love for one candidate and his hatred for everything else, yet nothing happens. We then read headlines during prime election years about the IRS going after churches for preaching politics. They are generally churches that preach the Gospel and endorse conservative, Republican candidates. Yet we constantly see liberal Democrat candidates speaking in churches. They are not even preaching; rather, they are giving campaign speeches. Rank hypocrisy? Yes, it is.
  6. We are in for a long 4 year term. It is quite nauseating to see how the media fawns over a man who is not qualified to lead the local Lions Club, much less be President of the United States, the leader of the free world (though not if he has his way), and the Commander-In-Chief of the armed forces. They attacked a governor who was running for VP because she lacked experience (even though she ran the largest state in the country), but a man who was a community organizer thug and a part-time Senator was perfectly qualified. Am I missing something? There is a national media orgy (led by Chris Matthews and his tingly leg) over this man. He is nothing spectacular. He cannot speak unless he has a prepared statement or prepared speech in front of him. Again, if he were white and a Republican, would he get this kind of attention, love, and adoration (refer to point #2 above)?
  7. We need to pray for the President-elect. Just because I did not vote for the man and because I do not agree with any of his policies does not mean that I can remove myself from this one. God tells us to pray for our leaders, that they may be good leaders, that they know how to lead, that they make wise decisions. Remember, God is still in control. We may not be able to see it at this time. We may not understand His purpose now. But God reigns supreme.

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