Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday, Hannah!

It's hard to believe that Hannah will be 1 yr. old tomorrow.  It seems as though it was just last week that we brought her home from the hospital.  Although we did not really know what to expect a year ago, I must say that we have been blessed in so many ways over the last year to have Hannah in our family.  In fact, there are many days after work, when I just want to go home and get away from everyone, that I walk in the door and Hannah sees me and gets a big grin on her face because she is happy to see me.  What more could I ask for?

As many people already know, Hannah was diagnosed with Down Syndrome.  We were told within hours of her birth that she had several symptoms of Down Syndrome, but they would have to do further tests to confirm the initial diagnosis.  After a couple of weeks, the diagnosis was confirmed.  We started the new year not knowing what to expect, not knowing how Hannah would grow and progress, not knowing what we were going to go through, not knowing how to react to this situation, not knowing how her brothers would react to her.

Honestly, we started the year out with fear of the unknown.  We did not personally know anyone with Down Syndrome.  We did not know much about Down Syndrome.  No one was able to tell us how mild or serious Hannah's condition would be.  We just did not know where this road was going to lead us.

We did know her heart was fine.  Heart problems are somewhat common amongst people with Down Syndrome, but the tests that they ran on her in the hospital showed that her heart was in good condition.

Hannah did not pass her hearing test in the hospital, and she also did not do well in some follow up hearing tests.  However, as time passed by, and her hearing was tested again, the tests indicated that her hearing was getting better.  I guess the inner workings of the ear just needed time to develop better.  She will be getting tubes in her ears next week to help drain the fluid that is currently puddling in her ears.  This should also help to improve some of the balance issues that she has.

Hannah had her eyes checked, and she needed to get glasses.  I am still not quite sure how they figured this out, but once she got her glasses, we noticed that they really did help her out.  She was better able to grab toys (and other things she should not have been able to get her hands on).  In addition, she looks so cute in her glasses.

We have had the opportunity to have 2 different therapists come into our home and work with Hannah on various developmental aspects.  She has received good reviews from them on her development this far.  She is able to crawl all over the house, and she is doing her best to pull herself up to a standing position.  Hopefully, in the next few weeks, she will be able to do this without our help.

Also, starting this Sunday, she will 'graduate' from the baby nursery to the crawler nursery at church.  This is a big step for her, as she will now be in a nursery with mobile children who are not necessarily that gentle with things (and people) that they come into contact with.  Pam, as well as some of the other ladies in the church, will be in there with her to help her out as she grows accustomed to this new environment.

Through all of this, I must say that I have been impressed with how her brothers have treated her and how they interact with her.  I was fearful that they would treat her like another toy (or worse yet, like they treat each other), but they have been very good with her and to her.  They all play with her.  While they may not completely understand Down Syndrome, they do understand that she is their sister and that they need to take good care of her.  And they do.

As far as Pam and I are concerned, we have our good days and bad days.  At first, the  bad days definitely outnumbered the good days.  But that seems to have changed, and our good days outnumber the bad ones now.  We still have a lot to learn, but one thing we do know is that she is our daughter and we love her very much.

I must admit that I still find myself asking why this happened to us.  Why was such a beautiful, innocent child born with Down Syndrome?  I am not sure I will ever get the answer to that question.  But one thing I do know is that Hannah has taught me so much over the last year.  I have found that I need to be more patient, not just with her, but with the boys (something I am not always good at).  I have learned that I need to watch what I say, because I now see how some of the idiotic things I have said before about people's mental capacity can hurt those around me.

In my freshman year of college, the theme for that year was "God is great.  God is good.  Let us thank Him."  Indeed, God is good to us.  While we may not see it at the time, as we look back to see what He has done for us, we can see His goodness and His providence in our lives.  As I look back on the last year and reflect on what we have been through as a family, I can be thankful for the words written by Ron Hamilton to a song that he wrote after having one of his eyes removed:    "Now I can see testing comes from above.  God strengthens His children and purges in love.  My Father knows best, and I trust in His care.  Through purging, more fruit I will bear.  O rejoice in the Lord, He makes no mistakes."

1 comment:

Ken said...

Hannah is awesome, and I look forward to seeing her (and her family) soon.