Monday, May 3, 2010

Am I missing something in the debate on illegal immigration?

As I have pondered the illegal immigration debate over the last couple of weeks, I cannot help but be confused about the stance that many pro-amnesty Americans are taking.

On the one hand, they are mad at American companies for moving their manufacturing to places like Mexico and Asia because the cost to manufacture in the U.S. is too high (thanks, in most part, to the unions).  Their arguments are aimed at these American companies, accusing them of supposedly putting the almighty dollar ahead of everything, including the people that they are putting out of jobs.  (I am not going to take a stance on this issue, but I just intend to point out some inconsistencies in other people's thinking.)

However, many of these union groups and civil rights groups and all these other groups that protest the moving of jobs overseas are now complaining about Arizona trying to enforce immigration laws.  In their line of thinking, these illegal immigrants are people, too, and we should accept them with open arms.  We need them here, in order to keep the economy going.

Now, if we are mad at companies for moving jobs overseas and taking these jobs away from able-bodied Americans, why are we not as outraged about people coming from other countries and taking our jobs on our own soil?  Am I missing something in all of this?

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