Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Top Conservatives in America

For those who know me, I am a Republican. But I am not just a Republican, I am a conservative Republican. Conservative is the key word. There are many Republicans in this country, but only a portion of them are conservative. Anyway, I came across a list last week of the 100 most influential conservative voices in America today. I found it fascinating that this list is from the UK Telegraph. I am not sure why the Brits feel the need to make this list, but I do find this list amusing, given some of the names that they put on the list.

Here is this list (along with some of my thoughts):

  1. Dick Cheney
  2. Rush Limbaugh
  3. Matt Drudge - Internet gossip guy - Don't know about this one, but he should not be ranked this high
  4. Sarah Palin
  5. Robert Gates - Defense Secretary - I have no idea how he made this list
  6. Glenn Beck
  7. Roger Ailes
  8. David Petraeus
  9. Paul Ryan - Wisconsin Congressman
  10. Tim Pawlenty - Minnesota Governor
  11. Mitt Romey
  12. George W. Bush
  13. John Roberts - Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
  14. Haley Barbour - Mississippi Governor and former head of the Republican Party
  15. Eric Cantor - Virginia Congressman
  16. John McCain - I cannot believe he is on this list, much less this high on the list. Where are his conservative credentials (in areas not associated with national defense)?
  17. Mike Pence - Indiana Congressman
  18. Bob McDonnell - Governor-elect of Virginia
  19. Newt Gingrich - I don't think he should be this high on the list. He has strayed from true conservatism over the past couple of years.
  20. Mike Huckabee - The Gomer Pyle of modern politics
  21. Andrew Breitbart - Another internet news guy - He should be ranked above Drudge.
  22. Bobby Jindal - Governor of Louisiana
  23. Sean Hannity
  24. Charles Krauthammer - Columnist and political commentator - He should be on the list, but this is too high of a ranking for him
  25. David Brooks - NY Times columnist - He is the token Republican on the NY Times editorial staff. He is a Republican, not a conservative. He has no business being on this list.
  26. Mark Levin - He should be rated much higher, especially after reading 2 of his books (Men in Black and Liberty and Tyranny) this past year.
  27. Mitch McConnell - Senate Majority Leader
  28. Laura Ingraham
  29. Joe Lieberman - Conservative? Really? This is one reason the Brits are not a player on the world stage.
  30. Antonin Scalia
  31. John Boehner
  32. Karl Rove
  33. David Frum - Writer
  34. Michael Steele
  35. Edwin Feulner - President, Heritage Foundation
  36. John Bolton - He should probably be higher up on this list
  37. Tom Coburn - Oklahoma Senator
  38. Rich Lowry - Editor, National Review Online
  39. Mitch Daniels - Indiana Governor
  40. John Thune - South Dakota Senator (and the guy who beat Tom Daschle)
  41. Ron Paul - Texas Congressman - I do not believe he belongs on this list.
  42. Michelle Malkin
  43. George Will
  44. Clarence Thomas
  45. Grover Norquist - President, Americans for Tax Reform
  46. Dick Morris - Strategist - I do not believe that Morris is a conservative. He is an excellent strategist with incredible insight and instincts, but not a conservative.
  47. Michael Savage - This guy is an idiot.
  48. Mary Matalin (the wife of James Carville, one of the most liberal idiots in the U.S.)
  49. Richard Lugar - Indiana Senator - He is too friendly with liberals, including the current administration.
  50. Carly Fiorina - Former head of HP and current contender for Barbara Boxer's senate seat - It is too early to tell on this one.
  51. Rick Perry - Texas Governor
  52. David Keene
  53. Kevin McCarthy - California Congressman
  54. Morton Blackwell
  55. Arnold Schwarzenegger - Conservative? He threw out any and all conservatism a long time ago.
  56. Alex Castellanos
  57. Steve Schmidt
  58. William Kristol
  59. Rudy Giuliani - Conservative on national defense and fiscal areas, liberal on social issues.
  60. Jon Voight - Actor
  61. Jeff Flake - Arizona Congressman
  62. Frank Luntz
  63. Jim DeMint - South Carolina Senator
  64. Chris Ruddy - Newsmax Founder and CEO
  65. Erick Erickson
  66. Victor Davis Hanson
  67. Joe Scarborough - This guy is an insult to conservatives and Republicans. He has thrown us under the bus after joining MSNBC, and he tries to redefine conservatism in his book.
  68. Paul Gigot
  69. Olympia Snowe - This one is laughable. She is the most liberal Republican in the Senate. She is practically a Democrat vote.
  70. Michael Barone - He has tremendous political insight. I do not think of him as a conservative, but rather a political wonk.
  71. Dick Armey
  72. Tucker Carlson
  73. Judd Gregg - New Hampshire Senator
  74. Ann Coulter
  75. James Dobson
  76. Jeb Bush
  77. Joe Wilson - South Carolina Congressman, famous for the "You Lie!" comment (which, by the way, was right on target)
  78. Meg Whitman - California gubernatorial candidate
  79. Lou Dobbs - More of a populist than a conservative
  80. Michelle Bachmann - Minnesota Congresswoman - She should probably be ranked higher, as she is one of the few Republicans who will actually stand up to the Democrat establishment.
  81. Marco Rubio - Florida Senatorial candidate
  82. Jack Keane
  83. Lindsey Graham - South Carolina Senator - He has become very moderate, and he backs amnesty for illegal aliens. He should not be on this list.
  84. Thomas Sowell
  85. Bill O'Reilly - Like Lou Dobbs, he is a populist, not a conservative.
  86. John Kasich - Ohio Gubernatorial candidate and former congressman
  87. Eric Odom
  88. Patriuck Ruffini
  89. Fred Thompson
  90. Tony Perkins
  91. Peggy Noonan - She should not be on this list. Just because she was a speech writer for Reagan does not give her the credentials to be on this list.
  92. Clifford May
  93. Charlie Crist - Florida Governor - He is becoming too moderate in order to win Florida Governor race.
  94. Jon Huntsman Jr.
  95. Liz Cheney
  96. R. Emmett Tyrrell
  97. Mark Thiessen
  98. Mike Murphy
  99. Tom DeLay
  100. Mark Sanford - South Carolina Governor - Really?

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